Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Cosmological Constraints from Cluster Abundances, Weak Lensing, and Galaxy Correlations
Dark Energy Survey: Modeling strategy for multiprobe cluster cosmology and validation for the Full Six-year Dataset
Cosmology with second and third-order shear statistics for the Dark Energy Survey: Methods and simulated analysis
Discovering Strong Gravitational Lenses in the Dark Energy Survey with Interactive Machine Learning and Crowd-sourced Inspection with Space Warps
Dark Energy Survey Y6 Results: Point-Spread Function Modeling
Photometry of outer Solar System objects from the Dark Energy Survey II: a joint analysis of trans-Neptunian absolute magnitudes, colors, lightcurves and dynamics
Synthetic source injection across the full 5000 deg^2 survey using Balrog (Y6 Balrog)
High-Significance Correlation Between the Unresolved Gamma-Ray Background and Large Scale Cosmic Structure Distribution
Constraining the non-linear matter power spectrum from the Dark Energy Survey 5Y supernova sample
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Investigation based on “Evolving Dark Energy or Supernovae systematics?” (Efstathiou, 2024)
Multiprobe Cosmology from the Abundance of SPT Clusters and DES Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing
Interacting Dark Sector: Cosmological Constraints from SPT Cluster Abundance with DES and HST Weak Lensing Data
South Pole Telescope Follow-up of Clusters selected in Dark Energy Survey year 3 data
Constraining f(R) gravity using tSZE--selected galaxy clusters from SPT surveys with weak gravitational lensing mass calibration from DES and HST
Dark Energy Survey Year 3: Blue shear
Constraints on compact objects from the Dark Energy Survey 5Y supernova sample
Dark Energy Survey: implications of cosmological expansion models from the final DES Baryon Acoustic Oscillation and Supernova data
Reduction of the type Ia supernova host galaxy step in the outer regions of galaxies
Galaxy cluster matter profiles: I. Self-similarity and mass calibration
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: An updated measurement of the Hubble constant using the inverse distance ladder
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Slow supernovae show cosmological time dilation out to z~1
The Hierarchical Growth of the BCG and ICL as traced by the Magnitude Gap
The Impact of Dust on SN Ia Distance Measurements
Weak lensing + kinetic Sunyaev Zel’dovich: A study of baryonic feedback
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Cosmology from galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing in harmonic space
Improving Cluster Selection with the Outskirt Stellar Mass of Galaxies
Superclustering with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and Dark Energy Survey II. Anisotropic responses
Detection of weak lensing magnification and constraints on dark matter haloes from the Dark Energy Survey 5Y supernova sample
DES Y3 cluster mass calibration via SPT-3G CMB cluster lensing
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: simulation-based cosmological inference with wavelet harmonics, scattering transforms, and moments of weak lensing mass maps II -- cosmological results
Evaluating Cosmological Biases Using Photometric Redshifts for Type Ia Supernovae with the Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program
Calibrating the Absolute Magnitude of Type Ia Supernovae in Nearby Galaxies and Implications for H0
Enhancing weak lensing redshift distribution characterization by optimizing the SOMPZ method
Dark Energy Survey Year 6 Results: Cell-based Coadds and {\sc Metadetection} Weak Lensing Shape Catalog
Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Year 5 full light curve and ancillary data release
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Investigating Beyond-$\Lambda$CDM
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Year 5 cosmology results with ~1500 new high-redshift type Ia supernovae
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: cosmological analysis and systematic uncertainties
Dark Energy Survey: Galaxy Sample for the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillation Measurement from the Final Dataset
Dark Energy Survey: A 2.1% measurement of the angular Baryonic Acoustic Oscillation scale at redshift z_eff=0.85 from the final dataset
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: likelihood-free, simulation-based $w$CDM inference with moments, wavelet phase harmonics, and scattering transform of weak lensing mass maps I - validation on simulations
Environmental Quenching of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies near Milky Way mass Hosts
Galaxy Clusters Discovered by the Thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect in the 500-square-degree SPTpol Survey
SPT Clusters with DES and HST Weak Lensing. II. Cosmological Constraints from the Abundance of Massive Halos
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Weak Gravitational Lensing by eRASS:1 selected Galaxy Groups and Clusters
Cosmological Shocks around Galaxy Clusters: A coherent investigation with DES, SPT & ACT
Dark Energy Survey 5-year photometric SNe Ia without redshifts and optimizing follow-up strategies
Weak Gravitational Lensing around Low-Surface-Brightness Galaxies in the DES Year 3 Data
SPT Clusters with DES and HST Weak Lensing. I. Methods and Analysis Pipeline
A wide-area search for ultra-faint galaxies beyond the Milky Way virial radius in DES Year 6
Beyond the 3rd moment: A practical study of using lensing convergence CDFs for cosmology with DES Y3
The Dark Energy Survey Year 6 Calibration Star Catalog
Cross-correlation of ACT-DR4 D56 CMB weak lensing with DES-Y3 galaxy weak lensing
Main belt asteroids taxonomical information from DES data
Dark Energy Survey Year 6 Results: Photometric Dataset for Cosmology
Photometry of outer Solar System objects from the Dark Energy Survey I: photometric methods, light curve distributions and trans-Neptunian binaries
Chemical Analysis of the Brightest Star of the Cetus II Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Candidate
Building an Efficient Cluster Cosmology Software Package for Modeling Cluster Counts and Lensing
Copacabana: A Probabilistic Membership Assignment Method for Galaxy Clusters
OzDES Reverberation Mapping Program: Stacking analysis with H$\beta$, MgII and CIV
Intra-cluster light of RedMaPPer clusters from redshift 0.2 to 0.6
Synchronous rotation in the (136199) Eris-Dysnomia system
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Deep Field photometric redshift performance and training incompleteness assessment
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Cosmological Biases from Host Galaxy Mismatch of Type Ia Supernovae
The XMM Cluster Survey: Exploring scaling relations and completeness of the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 redMaPPer cluster catalogue
Wavelength dependent atmospheric effects on the Dark Energy Survey 5YR Type Ia Supernovae photometry
Comparison of methods to mitigate the non-local contribution from small scales in galaxy-galaxy lensing
Examining the Self Interaction of Dark Matter through Brightest Cluster Galaxy Offsets
Cool Cores in Clusters of Galaxies in the Dark Energy Survey
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Mis-centering calibration and richness scaling relations in redMaPPer selected galaxy clusters
Finding Strong Lenses in Early Data from the DECam Local Volume Exploration Survey Using Machine Learning
OzDES Reverberation Mapping Program: H$\beta$ lags from 6-year survey
Detection of the significant impact of source clustering on higher-order statistics with DES Year 3 weak gravitational lensing data
An extended SPT-SZ cluster catalog over the DES region
Ultracool dwarfs candidates based on six years of the Dark Energy Survey data
Timing the R-process enrichment of the ultra-faint dwarf galaxy Reticulum II
OzDES Reverberation Mapping Program: Mg II Lags and R-L relation
Pushing the limits of the Dark Energy Survey: Selecting and analyzing high redshift galaxy samples in the Year 3 data
Designing an Optimal Kilonovae Search using DECam for Gravitational Wave Events
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: likelihood-free, simulation-based wCDM inference with neural compression of weak lensing map statistics
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Measurement of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations with Three-dimensional Clustering
Photometric Properties of Jupiter Trojans detected by the Dark Energy Survey
A measurement of the mean central optical depth of galaxy clusters via the pairwise kinematic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect with SPT-3G and DES
The Gravitational Lensing Imprints of DES Y3 Superstructures on the CMB
Rates and properties of type Ia supernovae in galaxy clusters
A Sample of Dust Attenuation Laws for DES Galaxies
Lesson Learned from Two Largest Galaxy Morphological Classification Catalogues built by Convolutional Neural Networks
Mapping Variations of Redshift Distributions with Probability Integral Transformations
STRIDES: Automated Uniform models for 30 quadruply imaged quasars
Modelling Intrinsic Galaxy Alignment in the MICE simulation
DECam Local Volume Survey Data Release 2
Tomography of DES-Y3 galaxies with CMB Lensing from ACT DR4
Kinematic SZ - ‘Hybrid’ kSZ estimator using BOSS velocity reconstruction and DES galaxies
DeepZipper II: A Deep Learning Search for Lensed Supernovae in Dark Energy Survey Data
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: 2 Three-point Shear and Mass Aperture Measurements
A galaxy-driven model of type Ia supernova luminosity variations
Optical Variability of Quasars with 20-yr Photometric Light Curves
Concerning Colour: The Effect of Environment on Type Ia Supernova Colour in the Dark Energy Survey
Primordial non-Gaussianity with Angular correlation function: Integral constraint and validation for DES
Mapping gas around massive galaxies: Cross correlation of DES Y3 galaxies and Compton y map from SPT and Planck
Consistent lensing and clustering in a low-$S_8$ Universe with BOSS, DES Year 3, HSC and KiDS-1000
DES 5-year photometric SNe Ia samples with SuperNNova
The MADPSZ catalogue of \Planck clusters over the DES region: extending to lower mass and higher redshift
Constraining the Baryonic Feedback Using the DES Year-3 Small-Scale Measurements of Cosmic Shear
DeepZipper: A Novel Deep Learning Architecture for Lensed Supernovae Identification
Clustering with general photo-z uncertainties: Application to Baryon Acoustic Oscillations measurement
Optical selection bias in stacked galaxy cluster weak lensing: projection effect and concentration bias
Measuring Cosmological Parameters with Type Ia Supernovae in redMaGiC Galaxies
DeepGhostBusters: Using Mask R-CNN to Detect and Mask Ghosting and Scattered-Light Artifacts from Optical Survey Images
C/2014 UN271 (Bernardinelli-Bernstein): the nearly spherical cow of comets
A search of the full six years of the Dark Energy Survey for outer Solar System objects
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: cosmological constraints from the harmonic space analysis of cosmic shear
The DES view of the Eridanus supervoid and the CMB Cold Spot
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: cosmology with moments of weak lensing mass maps
Direct Measurement of Intrinsic Alignments using the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 and eBOSS
Multi-wavelength Optical and NIR Variability Analysis of the Blazar PKS 0027-426
Core-collapse Supernovae in the Dark Energy Survey: Luminosity Functions and Host Galaxy Demographics
DES Y3 key project: Extended Cosmological Models from 3x2pt data
The evolution of AGN activity in brightest cluster galaxies
Milky Way Satellite Census. IV. Constraints on Decaying Dark Matter from Observations of Milky Way Satellite Galaxies
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: A $2.7\%$ measurement of Baryon Acoustic Oscillation distance scale at redshift 0.835
Cosmic Shear in Harmonic Space from the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Data: Compatibility with Configuration Space Results
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 CMB lensing cross-correlations III: Cosmological constraints from cross-correlations between DES and CMB lensing from SPT and Planck
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 CMB lensing cross-correlations II: Measured cross-correlations between DES and CMB lensing from SPT and Planck
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 CMB lensing cross-correlations I: modeling choices and construction of CMB lensing maps from South Pole Telescope and Planck data
Superclustering with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and Dark Energy Survey: Evidence for thermal energy anisotropy using oriented stacking
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Understanding cosmological biases from supernova photometric classification techniques
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Redshift Calibration of the MagLim Lens Sample from the combination of SOMPZ and clustering and its impact on Cosmology
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Cosmology with Peaks
Rates and delay times of type Ia supernovae in the Dark Energy Survey
Indication of correlation between the Supernovae Type Ia host mass step and the host galaxy dust in the Dark Energy Survey
LensingWithout Borders. A Blind Comparison of the Amplitude of Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing Between Independent Imaging Surveys
Cross-correlation of DES Y3 lensing and ACT/Planck thermal Sunyaev Zel’dovich Effect I: Measurements, systematics tests, and feedback model constraints
Expediting DECam Multimessenger Counterpart Searches with Convolutional Neural Networks
Cross-correlation of DES Y3 lensing and ACT/Planck thermal Sunyaev Zel’dovich Effect II: Constraints on halo pressure profiles
The mass and galaxy distribution around SZ-selected clusters
Galaxy-halo Connection from Galaxy-galaxy Lensing in the Year 3 Dark Energy Survey Cosmology Sample
The Observed Evolution of the Stellar Mass - Halo Mass Relation
OzDES Reverberation Mapping Program: The first Mg II lags from five years of monitoring
DES DR2 Paper
Synthetic Galaxy Cluster Observations Based on DES Y3 Data
From the Fire: A deeper look at the Phoenix Stream
The Des Bright Arcs Survey: Hundreds Of Candidate Strongly Lensed Galaxy Systems in 5000 sq. deg. of The Dark Energy Survey
Reducing ground-based astrometric errors with Gaia and Gaussian processes
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing using the MagLim lens sample
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing
A Machine Learning Approach to the Detection of Ghosting Artifacts in Dark Energy Survey Images
SOAR/Goodman Spectroscopic Assessment of Candidate Counterparts of the LIGO–Virgo Event GW190814
Galaxy Clustering in Harmonic Space from the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Data: Compatibility with Real Space Results
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Exploiting small-scale information with lensing ratios
Effects of Cluster Triaxiality on Stacked Weak Lensing Analysis
Cosmological Constraints from DES Y1 Cluster Abundances and SPT follow up data
DES Y6 RR Lyrae Catalog
Velocity Dispersions of Clusters in Dark Energy Survey Y3 redMaPPer Catalog
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Cosmological Constraints from Cluster Abundances, Weak Lensing, and Galaxy Correlations
Galaxy Morphological Classification Catalogue of the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 data with Convolutional Neural Networks
Finding quadruply imaged quasars with machine learning.I. Methods
Pushing automated morphological classifications to their limits with the Dark Energy Survey
Exploring the contamination of the DES-Y1 Cluster Sample with SPT-SZ selected clusters
Consistency of cosmic shear analyses in harmonic and real space
Linear Systematics Mitigation in Galaxy Clustering in the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Data
No Evidence for Orbital Clustering in the Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects
Combination of cluster number counts and two-point correlations:Validation on Mock Dark Energy Survey
Galaxy evolution in massive galaxy clusters: splashback as a cosmic clock
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Validating 3x2pt Modeling and Analysis Choices using Cosmological Simulations
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: ConstrainingBaryonic Physics in the Universe
Dust Reverberation Mapping in Distant Quasars from Optical and Mid-Infrared Imaging Surveys
Variability-Selected Dwarf AGNs in the Dark Energy Survey Deep Fields
DES Y3 results: Multi-probe modeling methodology
DES y1 internal consistency
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: galaxy-galaxy lensing
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Characterization of the Weak Lensing Shape Catalog Using Image Simulations
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Weak Lensing Shape Catalog
A statistical standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant with a LIGO/Virgo gravitational wave neutron star-black hole and the Dark Energy Survey galaxies
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Catalog of > 4000 Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Galaxy Clusters
Milky Way Satellite Census. III. Constraints on Dark Matter Properties from Observations of Milky Way Satellite Galaxies
Candidate Periodically Variable Quasars from the Dark Energy Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Calibration of Lens Sample Redshift Distributions using Clustering Redshifts with BOSS/eBOSS
A machine learning approach to galaxy properties: Joint redshift - stellar mass probability distributions with Random Forest
The faint diffuse light halo around Y1 Luminous Red Galaxies
OzDES reverberation mapping program: lag recovery reliability for 5-year C IV analysis
Measuring the Transfer Function of the Dark Energy Survey with Balrog (Y3 Balrog)
Understanding the extreme luminosity of type IIb SN DES14X2fna
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Marginalisation over redshift distribution uncertainties using ranking of discrete realisations
Noise from Undetected Sources in Dark Energy Survey Images
The Host Galaxies of Rapidly Evolving Transients in the Dark Energy Survey
Machine Learning for Searching the Dark Energy Survey for Trans-Neptunian Objects
Testing Gravity with DES-CMASS catalogue
Galaxy-galaxy lensing with DES-CMASS catalogue
DES Y3 Deep Fields
Low-Surface-Brightness Galaxies Discovered in the First Three Years of the Dark Energy Survey
Is Intra-cluster light a good tracer of the galaxy cluster mass distribution?
The Curious Case of PHL 293B: A Long-lived Transient in a Metal-poor Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy
The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Modelling selection efficiency and observed core collapse supernova contamination
DES Y1 results: Splitting growth and geometry to test ΛCDM
Validation of Selection Function, Sample Contamination and Mass Calibration in Galaxy Cluster Samples
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Galaxy mock catalogues for BAO analysis
OzDES multifibre spectroscopy for the Dark Energy Survey: Results and implications for future surveys
Constraints on Decaying Dark Matter with DES Y3 and external data
Testing the isotropy of the Dark Energy Survey’s extreme trans-Neptunian objects
Supernova Host Galaxies in the Dark Energy Survey: I. Deep Coadds, Photometry, and Stellar Masses
Weak Lensing of Type Ia Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey
Supernova Siblings: Assessing the consistency of properties of Type Ia Supernovae that share the same parent galaxies
Intrinsic alignment in DES redmapper clusters
S190814bv event search
EPS-HEP 2019 Proceedings: Cosmology with the Dark Energy Survey
Imapct of spectroscopic incompleteness in measuring redshift distributions for weak lensing surveys
The Dark Energy Survey, Cosmological Results and Future Perspectives (Proceedings for 31st Rencontres de Blois on Particle Physics and Cosmology)
The Mystery of Photometric Twins DES17X1boj and DES16E2bjy
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Point-Spread Function Modeling
Milky Way Satellite Census -- II. Galaxy--Halo Connection Constraints Including the Impact of the Large Magellanic Cloud
The Effect of Environment on Type Ia Supernovae in the Dark Energy Survey Three-Year Cosmological Sample
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: curved-sky weak lensing mass map reconstruction
Clustering constraints on SOMPZ proposal n(z)s
Phenotypic redshift calibration for the DES Y3 weak lensing source galaxies
Weak Lensing Calibration of the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 redMaPPer Clusters using Stellar Masses
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmology from 2x2pt - Lens magnification methodology and impact on constraints
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmology from 2x2pt - Alternative lens sample optimization
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmology from 2x2pt - Modelling choices and robustness of galaxy bias treatment
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmology from cosmic shear and its robustness to modeling assumptions
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmology from cosmic shear and its robustness to redshift calibration and blending
Optical follow-up of LIGO/Virgo Event S190510g
Chemical analysis of the ultra faint dwarf galaxy Grus~II. Signature of top heavy initial mass function?
Magellan/IMACS Spectroscopy of the Ultra-Faint Satellites Grus II, Tucana IV, and Tucana V
STRIDES: A 3.9 per cent measurement of the Hubble constant from the strong lens system DES J0408-5354
STRIDES: Spectroscopic and photometric characterization of the environment and effects of mass along the line of sight to the gravitational lenses DES J0408−5354 and WGD 2038−4008
Milky Way Satellite Census -- I. The Observational Selection Function for Milky Way Satellites in DES Y3 and Pan-STARRS DR1
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Cosmology with Second and Third moments of Weak Lensing Mass Maps - Validation on Simulations
Data-vector covariance matrix for DES Y3
Fast Perturbation Theory for Cosmological Analysis
Statistical consistency of DES and external data
Robust sampling for weak lensing and clustering analyses with the Dark Energy Survey
Galaxy Clustering and observational systematics in DES Year 3 lens samples
The DES Year Three Cosmology Dataset (Y3 Gold)
Producing a BOSS-CMASS sample with DES imaging
Trans-Neptunian objects found in the first four years of the Dark Energy Survey
Y3 BAO sample characterization
The DES Book
Dark Energy Survey Identification of A Low-Mass Active Galactic Nucleus at Redshift 0.823 from Optical Variability
The SPTpol Extended Cluster Survey
Dynamical Classification of Trans-Neptunian Objects Detected by the Dark Energy Survey
Increasing the census of L and T dwarfs in wide binary and multiple systems using Dark Energy Survey DR1 and Gaia DR2 data
Search for RR Lyrae stars in DES ultra-faint systems: Grus I, Kim 2, Phoenix II, and Grus II
The DESGW Pipeline in the first two seasons of LIGO/Virgo observations
An extended catalog of galaxy-galaxy strong gravitational lenses discovered in DES using convolutional neural networks
Spectral Variability of a Sample of Extreme Variability Quasars and Implications for the Mg II Broad-line Region
H0LiCOW XI: Spectroscopic/imaging survey and galaxy-group identification around the strong gravitational lens system WFI2033-4723
Detection of cross-correlation between gravitational lensing and gamma rays
Constraints on the redshift evolution of astrophysical feedback with Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect cross-correlations
Blinding multi-probe cosmological experiments
A Deeper Look at DES Dwarf Galaxy Candidates: Grus I and Indus II
Optimising Automatic Morphological Classification of Galaxies with Machine Learning and Deep Learning using Dark Energy Survey Imaging
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: The relationship between mass and light around cosmic voids
Modelling the Milky Way. I - Method and first results fitting the thick disk and halo with DES-Y3 data
Rediscovery of the Sixth Star Cluster in the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
Three new VHS-DES Quasars at 6.7 . z . 6.9 and Emission Line Properties at z > 6.5
A DECam Search for Explosive Optical Transients Associated with IceCube Neutrinos
The lensing imprint of DES Y3 voids on the Cosmic Microwave Background
The Buzzard Flock: Dark Energy Survey Synthetic Sky Catalogs
C IV Black Hole Mass Measurements with the Australian Dark Energy Survey (OzDES)
A candidate binary black hole in a periodic quasar from circumbinary accretion variability
Quasar Accretion Disk Sizes from Continuum Reverberation Mapping in the DES Standard Star Fields
First Cosmology Results using Type Ia Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey: The Effect of Host Galaxy Properties on Supernova Luminosity
Cosmological Constraints from Multiple Probes in the Dark Energy Survey
Type II supernova cosmology from the Dark Energy Survey
A Detection of CMB-Cluster Lensing using Polarization Data from SPTpol
Finding high-redshift strong lenses in DES using convolutional neural networks
A New RASS Galaxy Cluster Catalog with Low Contamination Extending to z ∼ 1 in the DES Overlap Region
First measurement of the Hubble constant from a dark standard siren using the Dark Energy Survey galaxies and the LIGO/Virgo binary–black–hole merger GW170814
Mass Calibration of Optically Selected DES clusters using a Measurement of CMB-Cluster Lensing with SPTpol Data
Using Host Galaxy Spectroscopy to Explore Systematics in the Standardisation of Type Ia Supernovae
Phenotypic redshifts with self-organizing maps: A novel method to characterize redshift distributions of source galaxies for weak lensing
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Constraints on Extended Cosmological Models from Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing
Identification of RR Lyrae stars in multiband, sparsely-sampled data from the Dark Energy Survey using template fitting and Random Forest classification
Measurement of the Splashback Feature around SZ-selected Galaxy Clusters with DES, SPT and ACT
Is every strong lens model unhappy in its own way? Uniform modelling of a sample of 13 quadruply+ imaged quasars
The lensing imprint of DES voids on the Cosmic Microwave Background
First Cosmology Results using Type Ia Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey: Constraints on Cosmological Parameters
Preliminary cosmological constraints from the Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program using the 3 year Spectroscopic Sample
Monte Carlo Control Loops for cosmic shear cosmology with DES Year 1
Evidence for Color Dichotomy in the Primordial Neptunian Trojan Population
First Hubble diagram and cosmological constraints using superluminous supernovae
Cosmological lensing ratios with DES Y1, SPT and Planck
First Cosmology Results Using Type Ia Supernovae From the Dark Energy Survey: Analysis, Systematic Uncertainties, and Validation
DES Science Portal: Computing Photometric Redshifts
The STRong lensing Insights into the Dark Energy Survey (STRIDES) 2017/2018 follow-up campaign: Discovery of 10 lensed quasars and 10 quasar pairs
First Cosmology Results using Type Ia Supernova from the Dark Energy Survey: Simulations to Correct Supernova Distance Biases
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Wide field mass maps via forward fitting in harmonic space
Modelling the Tucana III stream - a close passage with the LMC
Survey geometry and the internal consistency of recent cosmic shear measurements
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Cross-correlation between DES Y1 galaxy weak lensing and SPT+Planck CMB weak lensing
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: tomographic cross-correlations between DES galaxies and CMB lensing from SPT+Planck
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Constraints on Intrinsic Alignments and their Colour Dependence from Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing
More out of less: an excess integrated Sachs-Wolfe signal from supervoids mapped out by the Dark Energy Survey
The First Tidally Disrupted Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy? - Spectroscopic Analysis of the Tucana III Stream
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: Validation of weak lensing cluster member contamination estimates from P(z) decomposition
On the relative bias of void tracers in the Dark Energy Survey
Astronomers' and Physicists' Attitudes Towards Education & Public Outreach: A Case Study with The Dark Energy Survey
A Search for Optical Emission from Binary-Black-Hole Merger GW170814 with the Dark Energy Camera
Dynamical Analysis of Three Distant Trans-Neptunian Objects with Similar Orbits
Discovery and Dynamical Analysis of an Extreme Trans-Neptunian Object with a High Orbital Inclination
DES16C3cje: A very peculiar type II supernova
Superluminous Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey
Transfer learning for galaxy morphology from one survey to another
Stellar mass as a galaxy cluster mass proxy: application to the Dark Energy Survey redMaPPer clusters
Rapidly evolving transients in the Dark Energy Survey
Constraining Radio Mode Feedback in Galaxy Clusters with the Cluster Radio AGN Properties to z∼1
Galaxy populations and dynamical state of DES-Y1 SPT clusters
The STRong lensing Insights into the Dark Energy Survey (STRIDES) 2016 follow-up campaign. II. New quasar lenses from double component fitting
Cosmology from cluster abundance and weak lensing data using DES Y1 data
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Methods for Cluster Cosmology and Application to the SDSS
Modeling projection effects in optically-selected cluster catalogues
Mass Variance from Archival X-ray Properties of Dark Energy Survey Year-1 Galaxy Clusters
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Calibration of Cluster Mis-centering in the redMaPPer Catalogs
The Dark Energy Survey Data Release 1
The morphology and structure of stellar populations in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy from Dark Energy Survey Data
First Cosmology Results Using Type Ia Supernovae From the Dark Energy Survey: Photometric Pipeline and Light Curve Data Release
Steve: A hierarchical Bayesian model for Supernova Cosmology
Improving Weak Lensing Mass Map Reconstructions using Gaussian and Sparsity Priors: Application to DES SV
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Measurement of the Galaxy Angular Power Spectrum
BAO from angular clustering: optimization and mitigation of theoretical systematics
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Galaxy Sample for BAO Measurement
Astrometry and Occultation predictions to Trans-Neptunian and Centaur Objects observed within the Dark Energy Survey
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Joint Analysis of Galaxy Clustering, Galaxy Lensing, and CMB Lensing Two-point Functions
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Methodology and Projections for Joint Analysis of Galaxy Clustering, Galaxy Lensing, and CMB Lensing Two-point Functions
Brown dwarf census with the Dark Energy Survey year 3 data and the thin disk scale height of early L types
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: galaxy mock catalogues for BAO
First Cosmology Results Using Type Ia Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey: Effects of Chromatic Corrections to Supernova Photometry on Measurements of Cosmological Parameters
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Calibration of redMaGiC Redshift Distributions in DES and SDSS from Cross-Correlations
Chemical Abundance Analysis of Tucana III, the Second r-process Enhanced Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy
First Cosmological Results using Type Ia Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey: Measurement of the Hubble Constant
Evidence for Dynamically Driven Formation of the GW170817 Neutron Star Binary in NGC 4993
DES Y1 Results: Validating cosmological parameter estimation using simulated Dark Energy Surveys
Stellar Streams Discovered in the Dark Energy Survey
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Measurement of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation scale in the distribution of galaxies to redshift 1
The Dark Energy Survey Image Processing Pipeline
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: A Precise H0 Measurement from DES Y1, BAO, and D/H Data
How Many Kilonovae Can Be Found in Past, Present, and Future Survey Datasets?
The Electromagnetic Counterpart of the Binary Neutron Star Merger LIGO/VIRGO GW170817. II. UV, Optical, and Near-IR Light Curves and Comparison to Kilonova Models
The Electromagnetic Counterpart of the Binary Neutron Star Merger LIGO/Virgo GW170817. I. Dark Energy Camera Discovery of the Optical Counterpart
A gravitational-wave standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant
Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger
The STRong lensing Insights into the Dark Energy Survey (STRIDES) 2016 follow-up campaign. I. Overview and classification of candidates selected by two techniques
Status and recent results of the Dark Energy Survey
Density split statistics: joint model of counts and lensing in cells
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Cross-Correlation Redshifts in the DES -- Calibration of the Weak Lensing Source Redshift Distributions
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Cross-Correlation Redshifts - Methods and Systematics Characterization
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Redshift distributions of the weak lensing source galaxies
Baryon Content in a Sample of 91 Galaxy Clusters Selected by the South Pole Telescope at 0.2 < z < 1.25
Quasar Accretion Disk Sizes From Continuum Reverberation Mapping From the Dark Energy Survey
Measuring Linear and Non-linear Galaxy Bias Using Counts-in-Cells in the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification Data
Density split statistics: Cosmological constraints from counts and lensing in cells in DES Y1 and SDSS data
COSMOGRAIL XVI: Time delays for the quadruply imaged quasar DES J0408-5354 with high-cadence photometric monitoring
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Multi-Probe Methodology and Simulated Likelihood Analyses
Photometric characterization of the Dark Energy Camera
A catalogue of structural and morphological measurements for DES Y1
A Measurement of CMB Cluster Lensing with SPT and DES Year 1 Data
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: Detection of Intra-cluster Light at Redshift ∼ 0.25
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: The effect of intra-cluster light on photometric redshifts for weak gravitational lensing
The WaZp galaxy cluster sample of the Y1 Dark Energy Survey
Extreme variability quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Dark Energy Survey
Deep SOAR follow-up photometry of two Milky Way outer-halo companions discovered with Dark Energy Survey
DES meets Gaia: discovery of strongly lensed quasars from a multiplet search
New Science, New Media: An Assessment of the Online Education and Public Outreach Initiatives of The Dark Energy Survey
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: the impact of galaxy neighbours on weak lensing cosmology with IM3SHAPE
Optimized Clustering Estimators for BAO Measurements Accounting for Significant Redshift Uncertainty
Candidate massive galaxies at z ∼ 4 in the Dark Energy Survey
Instrumental Response Model and Detrending for the Dark Energy Camera
Star–galaxy classification in the Dark Energy Survey Y1 data set
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Clustering and Weak Lensing
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Galaxy clustering for combined probes
OzDES multifibre spectroscopy for the Dark Energy Survey: 3-yr results and first data release
Chemical Abundance Analysis of Three α-Poor, Metal-Poor Stars in the Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Horologium I
The DES Bright Arcs Survey: Hundreds Of Candidate Strongly Lensed Galaxy Systems From The Dark Energy Survey Science Verification And Year 1 Observations
Core or Cusps: The Central Dark Matter Profile of a Strong Lensing Cluster with a Bright Central Image at Redshift 1
UV-luminous, star-forming hosts of z ∼ 2 reddened quasars in the Dark Energy Survey
Astrometric Calibration and Performance of the Dark Energy Camera
Studying the Ultraviolet Spectrum of the First Spectroscopically Confirmed Supernova at Redshift Two
DES15E2mlf: a spectroscopically confirmed superluminous supernova that exploded 3.5 Gyr after the big bang
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: curved-sky weak lensing mass map
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: Cosmological constraints from cosmic shear
Dark Energy Survey year 1 results: Galaxy-galaxy lensing
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Weak Lensing Mass Calibration of redMaPPer Galaxy Clusters
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: weak lensing shape catalogues
Cross-correlation redshift calibration without spectroscopic calibration samples in DES Science Verification Data
Discovery of the Lensed Quasar System DES J0408-5354
Weak lensing magnification in the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification Data
Is Flat Fielding Safe for Precision CCD Astronomy?
A Search for Kilonovae in the Dark Energy Survey
The Splashback Feature around DES Galaxy Clusters: Galaxy Density and Weak Lensing Profiles
Discovery and Physical Characterization of a Large Scattered Disk Object at 92 AU
An R-process enhanced star in the dwarf galaxy Tucana III
American Astronomical Society logo iop-2016.png A publishing partnership Farthest Neighbor: The Distant Milky Way Satellite Eridanus II*
A new approach for obtaining cosmological constraints from Type Ia Supernovae using Approximate Bayesian Computation
Models of the strongly lensed quasar DES J0408-5354
Forward Global Photometric Calibration of the Dark Energy Survey
Precision matrix expansion - efficient use of numerical simulations in estimating errors on cosmological parameters
Eight new luminous z ≥ 6 quasars discovered via SED model fitting of VISTA, WISE and Dark Energy Survey Year 1 observations
A Multi-component Matched Filter Cluster Confirmation Tool for eROSITA: Initial Application to the RASS and DES-SV Datasets
Nearest Neighbor: The Low-mass Milky Way Satellite Tucana III*
Inference from the small scales of cosmic shear with current and future Dark Energy Survey data
A stellar over-density associated with the Small Magellanic Cloud
A DECam Search for an Optical Counterpart to the LIGO Gravitational Wave Event GW151226
Imprint of DES super-structures on the Cosmic Microwave Background
VDES J2325−5229 a z = 2.7 gravitationally lensed quasar discovered using morphology-independent supervised machine learning
DES Science Portal: Creating Science-Ready Catalogs
Observation and Confirmation of New Strong Lensing Systems in The Dark Energy Survey Science Year 1 Data
Galaxy bias from galaxy-galaxy lensing in the DES Science Verification Data
A Study of Quasar Selection in the Dark Energy Survey Supernova fields
Optical-SZE Scaling Relations for DES Optically Selected Clusters within the SPT-SZ Survey
Cosmic Voids and Void Lensing in the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification Data
The Dark Energy Survey view of the Sagittarius stream: discovery of two faint stellar system candidates
Cosmology from large scale galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing with Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data
Discovery of a z=0.65 Post-Starburst BAL Quasar in the DES Supernova Fields
A Dark Energy Camera Search for Missing Supergiants in the LMC After the Advanced LIGO Gravitational Wave Event GW150914
A Dark Energy Camera Search for an Optical Counterpart to the First Advanced LIGO Gravitational Wave Event GW150914
Localization and broadband follow-up of the gravitational-wave transient GW150914
Weak Lensing Analysis of SPT selected Galaxy Clusters using Dark Energy Survey Science Verification Data
The Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei in Clusters of Galaxies from the Dark Energy Survey
First Cosmology Results Using Type Ia Supernovae From the Dark Energy Survey: Survey Overview and Supernova Spectroscopy
Detection of the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect with DES Year 1 and SPT
Searching for Dark Matter Annihilation in Recently Discovered Milky Way Satellites with Fermi-LAT
A new method to measure galaxy bias by combining the density and weak lensing fields
Galaxy bias from the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data: combining galaxy density maps and weak lensing maps
Weak-lensing mass calibration of redMaPPer galaxy clusters in Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data
Testing the lognormality of the galaxy and weak lensing convergence distributions from Dark Energy Survey maps
The redMaPPer Galaxy Cluster Catalog From DES Science Verification Data
Galaxies in X-ray Selected Clusters and Groups in Dark Energy Survey Data II: Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Red-Sequence Galaxy Luminosity Function
Environmental dependence of the galaxy stellar mass function in the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification Data
Evolution of Galaxy Luminosity and Stellar-Mass Functions since z=1 with the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification Data
Galaxy clustering with photometric surveys using PDF redshift information
DES14X3taz: A Type I Superluminous Supernova Showing a Luminous, Rapidly Cooling Initial Pre-Peak Bump
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Photometric Data Set for Cosmology
Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing in the DES Science Verification Data
Cosmology constraints from shear peak statistics in Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data
Crowdsourcing quality control for Dark Energy Survey images
Host Galaxy Identification for Supernova Surveys
Discovery of a Stellar Overdensity in Eridanus-Phoenix in the Dark Energy Survey
Eight Ultra-faint Galaxy Candidates Discovered in Year Two of the Dark Energy Survey
Observation and Confirmation of Six Strong Lensing Systems in The Dark Energy Survey Science Verification Data
Cross-correlation of gravitational lensing from DES Science Verification data with SPT and Planck lensing
Performance of internal covariance estimators for cosmic shear correlation functions
No galaxy left behind: accurate measurements with the faintest objects in the Dark Energy Survey
Mapping and simulating systematics due to spatially-varying observing conditions in DES Science Verification data
Discovery of two gravitationally lensed quasars in the Dark Energy Survey
SDSS-IV eBOSS emission-line galaxy pilot survey
Photometric redshifts and clustering of emission line galaxies selected jointly by DES and eBOSS
The Dark Energy Survey: more than dark energy – an overview
Weak lensing by galaxy troughs in DES Science Verification data
Comparing Dark Energy Survey and HST–CLASH observations of the galaxy cluster RXC J2248.7−4431: implications for stellar mass versus dark matter
Digging deeper into the Southern skies: a compact Milky-Way companion discovered in first-year Dark Energy Survey data
Joint Measurement of Lensing-Galaxy Correlations Using SPT and DES SV Data
Cosmology from Cosmic Shear with DES Science Verification Data
The Difference Imaging Pipeline for the Transient Search in the Dark Energy Survey
Physical properties of star clusters in the outer LMC as observed by the DES
The Phoenix stream: a cold stream in the Southern hemisphere
Wide-Field Lensing Mass Maps from Dark Energy Survey Science Verification Data
Wide-field lensing mass maps from Dark Energy Survey science verification data: Methodology and detailed analysis
DESAlert: Enabling Real-Time Transient Follow-Up with Dark Energy Survey Data
Stellar Kinematics and Metallicities in the Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Reticulum II
Cosmic shear measurements with Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data
Redshift distributions of galaxies in the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification shear catalogue and implications for weak lensing
The DES Science Verification weak lensing shear catalogues
Constraints on the richness–mass relation and the optical-SZE positional offset distribution for SZE-selected clusters
Joint analysis of galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering: Methodology and forecasts for Dark Energy Survey
Galaxy clustering, photometric redshifts and diagnosis of systematics in the DES Science Verification data
redMaGiC: selecting luminous red galaxies from the DES Science Verification data
Assessment of Systematic Chromatic Errors that Impact Sub-1% Photometric Precision in Large-Area Sky Surveys
Observation of Two New L4 Neptune Trojans in the Dark Energy Survey Supernova Fields
Search for Gamma-Ray Emission from DES Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Candidates with Fermi-LAT Data
CMB lensing tomography with the DES Science Verification galaxies
OzDES multifibre spectroscopy for the Dark Energy Survey: first-year operation and results
Automated Transient Identification in the Dark Energy Survey
Eight New Milky Way Companions Discovered in First-Year Dark Energy Survey Data
The Dark Energy Camera
Galaxies in X-ray Selected Clusters and Groups in Dark Energy Survey Data I: Stellar Mass Growth of Bright Central Galaxies Since z~1.2
Characterization and correction of charge-induced pixel shifts in DECam
Calibrated Ultra Fast Image Simulations for the Dark Energy Survey
Simulations of the OzDES AGN reverberation mapping project
The Dark Energy Survey: Status and First results
Modelling the Transfer Function for the Dark Energy Survey
DES13S2cmm: the first superluminous supernova from the Dark Energy Survey
DES J0454−4448: discovery of the first luminous z ≥ 6 quasar from the Dark Energy Survey
On-Sky Measurements of the Transverse Electric Fields' Effects in the Dark Energy Camera CCDs
The LMC geometry and outer stellar populations from early DES data
Galaxy Populations in Massive Galaxy Clusters to z=1.1: Color Distribution, Concentration, Halo Occupation Number and Red Sequence Fraction
Combining Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data with near-infrared data from the ESO VISTA Hemisphere Survey
Photometric redshift analysis in the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data
Crowded Cluster Cores: An Algorithm for Deblending in Dark Energy Survey Images
Orientation bias of optically selected galaxy clusters and its impact on stacked weak-lensing analyses
Mass and galaxy distributions of four massive galaxy clusters from Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data